Global Spatial Distributions of Sharks

Sep 1, 2022
Dataset was scientifically peer reviewed
This dataset displays the relative density of sharks. Distribution of the mean monthly weighted, normalized location density of tracked sharks in 1° × 1° grid cells (shark hotspots were defined by cells with ≥ 75th percentile of relative density).

The 11 shark species (or taxa groups) that accounted for 96% of the 1,804 satellite tags that were deployed are among the largest of shark species: blue sharks (Prionace glauca); shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus); tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier); salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis); whale sharks (Rhincodon typus); white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias); oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus); porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus); silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis); bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas); and hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.)

Major space-use hotspots of tracked pelagic sharks in the Atlantic Ocean were in the Gulf Stream and its western approaches, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and around oceanic islands such as the Azores. In the Indian Ocean, space-use hotspots were evident in the Agulhas Current, Mozambique Channel, the South Australian Basin and northwest Australia, and in the Pacific Ocean, space-use hotspots were in the California Current, Galapagos Islands and around New Zealand.

Although, as expected, tagging sites occurred in some space use hotspots (as tagging rates are inherently higher in hotspots), the authors also identified space-use hotspots in which no tagging sites occurred in the North Atlantic Ocean (outer Gulf Stream, Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone, western European shelf edge and the Bay of Biscay), the Indian Ocean (southern Madagascar, the Crozet and Amsterdam Islands, and the South Australian Basin) and the Pacific Ocean (Alaska Current, outer California Current, the white shark ‘café’ area, halfway between Baja California and Hawaii, North Equatorial Current, Clipperton Island and Kermadec Islands)
Data Provided By:
The Global Shark Movement Project
Content date:
not specified
Queiroz, N., Humphries, N.E., Couto, A. et al. Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature 572, 461–466 (2019).

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Spatial Resolution:
1 (Degree)
Contact Organization:
The Global Shark Movement Project
Contact Person(s):
not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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